Tuesday, March 27, 2007

When You Snooze You . . . Win!

Corporate culture has it wrong: When you snooze, you win!

A daytime doze is a stress buster and heart protector. Just 30 minutes midday, three times a week, is all you need. Middle-aged working men who did just that cut their risk of a fatal heart attack and other heart problems by a whopping 37 percent. How about women?

Although the study focused on working men, women would probably benefit as well. Naps are a great stress reducer.

You've heard how stress can damage your health, but how it causes heart disease remains unclear. Blame the stress hormones that course through
your veins when you are under pressure. Researchers think these hormones may damage organs, glands, and blood vessels. Or bad influence could be at fault, because stress can drive you to unhealthy behaviors like smoking, overeating, and skipping your workout. Learn more about preventing heart disease.

What is clear about stress: Pressure-cooker jobs increase your chances of accumulating risk factors for heart disease, such as obesity, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.

So for sweet dreams and a more relaxed (and happier) you, do as the Spaniards do -- take a siesta! Can't nap on the job? Catch some midday ZZZs on the weekend. Just be sure to set an alarm clock -- sleep too long and you'll have trouble sticking to your regular bedtime.

Want better sleep? Here are four ways to boost shut-eye.
RealAge Benefit: Getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep per night can make your RealAge as much as 3 years younger.

RealAge Smart Search: Find more ways to reduce stress with RealAge Smart Search.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Personal Training/ Group Exercise teaching classes

Are you studying to become a Personal Trainer or a Group Exercise instructor?

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You are probably studying the theory but need the most up to date core and functional routines?

Beginner's Mind can show you in practice, a series of exercises that will take the guess work for what works and what is helpful for all levels of clients:

  • Weight loss specific practice

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  • Learn how to design a program

  • Receive exclusive pre-design programs

  • Assisted stretches techniques

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