Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Mind over Matter.

What does that means?

Do not think too hard :-)

Well, if you think about things that you do, and how they become reality, you know that they are fruits of your thoughts.

Physical body example:

If you are running very fast, and think that is very hard. Automatically you are sending the message (hard) to your body and eventually you have to reduce your speed.

Running TIP:

Run 45 min on your aerobic zone and safe the last 15 min to challenge your self by increasing your speed to a race pace(5km, 10km...)and tell your self that you are willing and able to maintain the speed all the way through the 15 min.
Honnor your disconfort, and relax your breath.
Allow the speed to flow instead of pushing it.

Stay tall and focus on maintaining your core strong and engaged.

Cool down for more 10 min very easy.

You will break the pattern!

Book reading: Thinking body, dancing mind.