Monday, July 09, 2007

Exercise Has Profit Potential

Taking time away from work to squeeze in some exercise? Good for you -- and your company.

That's right. The less time you spend sitting on your bottom, the better your -- and your company's -- bottom line. Here's how and why. (see below ↓)

Fit and Confident
Researchers suspect that the boost in confidence and energy that people get from regular exercise may spill over into their careers, giving them an edge. So not only does exercising keep your weight in check, but it also may give you a better shot at reaching your personal and professional goals.

Run Up Your Sales
But it may require more than a 10-minute walk at lunchtime to be a real go-getter. In a study of entrepreneurs, the business owners that ran regularly were the ones who enjoyed personal and professional side benefits. Not the runner type? Strength training also was linked to better personal-goal progress (although pumping iron didn't affect company performance).

Introduce your body -- and bottom line -- to the quickest, easiest workout on the planet: The RealAge 20-Minute Workout.

How do your finances affect your health? Take this quiz and find out.

RealAge Benefit: Exercising regularly, expending at least 3,500 calories of energy a week, can make your RealAge 3.4 years younger.

1 comment:

  1. Though I HATE exercising, I understand it's real benefits.
